Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Introducing A Toast!

It's the last day of 2014!  Time seems to go faster every year.  Schnapps managed one more new pattern for the year and he wanted to name it "A Toast" since it's New Year's Eve!  It's knit using super bulky yarn, but the instructions include all yarn weights.

I've never been much for New Year' me it always seems like every other day.  Every day is a chance to start something wonderful.  A day full of potential.  A day that you can make a difference.  I hope that many of your resolutions include trying to make the world a kinder, more peaceful place.  

2014 was a very good year for us.  We are lucky enough to have had much more good than bad, many more smiles than tears this year.  I hope that 2015 will bring the same.

Delaware Head Huggers collected and distributed 3,399 chemo caps this year, bringing out total since 2010 to 15,763.  Sadly, that is not nearly enough to help everyone.  More hats are needed everywhere!  Donating locally is just as spectacular as sending your hats to us.

Kozy Kovers for Kids collected and distributed 369 blankets to foster care children and kids in crisis, bringing that total to 1,615 blankets since 2010.  Blankets are sadly also very much needed.  Many children are suffering and receiving a blanket helps in a small way.

Many people tell me that they can't knit, crochet or sew, but want to help us.  You can always donate materials to someone you know who can make hats or blankets.  You can purchase patterns from Schnapps - from Ravelry or Craftsy.  Both links are on this page.  100% of pattern sales go right back into the charities.  You can donate postage costs by using the Donate button on this page.  You can help by simply spreading the word that we are here.  The more who know about us, the more we can help.

Schnapps and I, and our whole family, wish you a 2015 full of happiness, health and peace.  

Join us in 2015 and help us make a difference!

If you're not a fan of Delaware Head Huggers yet, stop by and "Like" our Facebook page.  Help us name the patterns and see all the beautiful hats that are donated.  Stop by Kozy Kovers for Kids Facebook page too!  We welcome everyone to join us.  Stop by and say hello.  You can always reach Schnapps or me at too!

A Toast
 You will need 6 weight yarn and size 13 circular needles or some combination listed below.
k2tog:  knit 2 stitches together as one
S1:  slip 1 stitch, purlwise with yarn in back

Cast on 44 stitches, place marker and join, taking care not to twist stitches.

Work Brim:
Row 1: *k2, p2*; repeat around
Repeat Row 1 until piece is about 2inches.

Work Pattern:
Rows 1 & 2:  knit all stitches
Row 3:  *S1, k1*; repeat around
Row 4:  *S1, p1*; repeat around
Rows 5 & 6:  knit all stitches
Row 7:  *k1, s1*; repeat around
Row 8:  *p1, S1*; repeat around
Repeat Rows 1 - 8 until hat is about 8 to 8.5 inches in length.

Decrease Crown:  use dpn’s when needed
Row 1: *k2, k2tog*; repeat around
Row 2: *k1 k2tog*; repeat around
Row 3: * k2tog*; repeat around

Finish: Cut working yarn, leaving a 6-inch tail.  Draw the tail through the remaining stitches, cinch closed and secure.  Weave in ends and give it to someone special who needs a warm hug!

 The pattern is worked over 2 stitches.   Adapt in multiples of 4 to keep the crown decrease the same.

o knit this using chunky or 5-weight yarn, use size 10.5 needles and cast on 64 stitches.

To knit this using worsted weight yarn, use size 8 needles and cast on 80 stitches.

To make it child size, use worsted yarn, size 8 needles and cast on 60 stitches.  Adjust in increments of 4 stitches for individual sizes.

To knit this using sport weight yarn, use size 5 needles and cast on 112 stitches.  

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Introducing Cable-Riffic!

Schnapps has been very busy helping me get ready for Christmas......wrapping, baking, cooking, decorating and all sorts of things have been going on here.  But, he put his paws down on Sunday and insisted on knitting a hat while watching football.  Cable-Riffic (thank you Teresita for the name!) is a fun hat to knit, but not difficult at all.

This hat is knit using super bulky yarn and if you use a thinner weight, the impact of the cable will not be as evident, so we suggest that you use super bulky yarn or two strands of worsted weight held together.

Schnapps and I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.   So many terrible things are going on in the world right now that it seems more important than ever to focus on doing good and spreading some love through the world.  

Thank you to everyone who has used one of our patterns to pass some love along.

Schnapps loves his pajamas!

If you're not a fan of Delaware Head Huggers yet, stop by and "Like" our Facebook page.  Help us name the patterns and see all the beautiful hats that are donated.  Stop by Kozy Kovers for Kids Facebook page too!  We welcome everyone to join us.  Stop by and say hello.  You can always reach Schnapps or me at too!


You will need 6 weight yarn and size 13 circular (16 inch) needles and a cable needle


T2B:  slip next stitch on cable needle and hold at back, knit next stitch, then purl the stitch on the cable needle
T2F:  slip next stitch on cable needle and hold at front, purl next stitch, then knit the stitch on the cable needle C6B: slip next 3 stitches onto cable needle and hold at back, knit 3, then knit 3 from the cable needle.
p2tog:  purl 2 stitches together as one

Cast on 44 stitches, place marker and join, taking care not to twist stitches.

Work Brim:
Row 1, 2, 3 & 4:  *k2, p2*; repeat around
Row 4:  purl all stitches

The pattern is worked over the first stitches.  All other stitches are purled for every row.

Work Pattern:
Row 1:  p4, k8, p4, purl to end
Row 2:  p3, T2B, k6, T2F, p3, purl to end
Row 3:  p3, k1, p1, k6, p1, k1, p3, purl to end
Row 4:  p2, T2B, p1, k6, p1, T2D, p2, purl to end
Row 5:  p2, k1, p2, k6, p2, k1, p2, purl to end
Row 6:  p1, T2B, p2, C6B, p2, T2F, p1, purl to end
Row 7:  p1, k1, p3, k6, p3, k1, p1, purl to end
Row 8: T2B, p3, k6, p3, T2F, purl to end
Row 9:  k1, p4, k6, p4, k1, purl to end
Row 10:  T2F, p3, k6, p3, T2B, purl to end
Row 11: p1, k1, p3, k6, p3, k1, p1, purl to end
Row 12:  p1, T2F, p2, C6B, P2, T2B, p1, purl to end
Row 13:  p2, k1, p2, k6, p2, k1, p2, purl to end
Row 14:  p2, T2F, p1, k6, p1, T2B, p2, purl to end
Row 15:  p3, k1, p1, k6, p1, k1, p3, purl to end
Row 16:  p3, T2F, k6, T2B, p3, purl to end
Row 17:  p4, k8, p4, purl to end

Decrease Crown:  use dpn’s when needed
Row 1:   purl all stitches
Row 2: *p2 p2tog*; repeat around
Row 3: *p1, p2tog*; repeat around
Row 4: *p2tog*; repeat around

Finish: Cut working yarn, leaving a 6-inch tail.  Draw the tail through the remaining stitches, cinch closed and secure.  Weave in ends and give it to someone special who needs a warm hug!

This pattern is worked over the first SIXTEEN stitches of your cast on row.  To adjust the size, you would simply cast on fewer or more stitches.  Stay in multiples of 4 to keep the ribbed brim and crown decrease the same.

This hat fits an average adult head.  To make it smaller, cast on 36 or 40 stitches.  To make it larger cast on 48 or 52 stitches.  Decrease or increase in multiples of 4 to further adapt. 

The first 16 stitches will be used for the panel.  The rest will be purled in every row.

You could place 2 panels on 1 hat easily.  Instead of purling to the end, change that direction to purl 6, then repeat the row instructions.  This will give you 6 stitches between each repeat.

Thinner yarn won’t give the same effect, however, you could use 2 strands of worsted weight yarn held together as one and work as written.