Monday, July 10, 2017

Quadratic Hope & Creativity by Schnapps!

Schnapps is keeping busy, staying cool, taking his medicine and feeling good!

A new e-book is ready! "Creativity by Schnapps"is the only place to find Quadratic Hope.

There are 8 other PDFs included.....all shown in the collage photo.

The e-book is only $5 - which is a great bargain, if we do say so ourselves. All patterns include information for using all yarn weights and how to adjust the size.  Please support us! 

Schnapps is feeling well and we want to celebrate from now until midnight on July 16, if you purchase "Creativity by Schnapps" for $5 and use Coupon Code "We Love Schnapps" you will get 25% off all other pattern purchases from our store. 

This works at Ravelry only: 

You can also find this e-book and many other patterns on Craftsy:

or just purchase a copy from the link on the right.

If you're not a fan of Delaware Head Huggers yet, stop by and "Like" our Facebook page.  Help us name the patterns and see all the beautiful hats that are donated.  Stop by Kozy Kovers for Kids Facebook page too!  We welcome everyone to join us.  Stop by and say hello.  You can always reach Schnapps or me at too!