Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Braided Hope Blanket Square or more!

Schnapps and I have been busy this week!  We packed all the gorgeous MEGSTRONG items that we had and shipped them to NY for the fundraiser.  There was over 26 pounds in those boxes!  I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity and love from so many!  THANK YOU each and every one of you who participated!  We have toys, household items such as washcloths and potholders, jewelry, scarves, bookmarks and just so many beautiful items crafted with hugs, hope and love.  All are posted on our Facebook page if you'd like to see them.

MEGSTRONG boxes headed to NY!

Then, the Amazing Miriam had a brilliant idea!  She suggested making a blanket for Meagan.  All these items will sell to help Meagan, but sometimes, you just need the warmth of a hug from a handmade blanket.  So, some of us are making blanket squares that Miriam has so generously offered to put together into a blanket for Meagan.  We're hoping to have the squares done and to Miriam by August 18th or so, which I know is short notice, but if anyone would like to participate, we're doing 12 inch squares, either knit or crochet, made from worsted weight, machine washable and dryable yarn in only pastel colors.  Any pastel is fine, but please keep to pastels only so they coordinate well with each other.  And please only use worsted weight yarn for continuity! Also, please use a 12 x 12 template to make sure it's the right size and send a very long tail or small ball of yarn in case Miriam needs to crochet a border.  If you'd like to send a square, email me at and I can send you Miriam's address, or you can just send the squares to me, as you do hats and blankets and I will forward them.  

Since I really like the Braided Hope hat pattern, I wanted to do a Braided Hope blanket square.  This can easily be increased to do an entire blanket also.  It's a very easy pattern and no cables are involved at all.  My square seemed to be a perfect 12 inch square, but the ribbing pulls in on itself a bit after it is blocked making it slightly smaller.  Now, Miriam says that it should still work fine in the blanket, but keep it in mind if you are trying to make this to an exact size.  

Now we're working on a new pattern for another square!  We'll let you know how it turns out!

 If you're not a fan of Delaware Head Huggers yet, stop by and "Like" our Facebook page.  Help us name the patterns and see all the beautiful hats that are donated.  Stop by Kozy Kovers for Kids Facebook page too!  We welcome everyone to join us.  Stop by and say hello.  You can always reach Schnapps or me at too.  We love to hear from everyone!

Braided Hope Blanket

I used Vanna's Choice worsted weight yarn and size 9 needles.  If using other worsted weight and size 8 needles, you will need to add more stitches.  I cast on 50 - you need a multiple of 4 plus 2.

Row 1:  p2, *k2, p2*; repeat from * to * across row

Row 2:  k2, *p2, k2*; repeat from * to * across row

Row 3:  p2, *k2tog then without dropping the stitches off you left hand needle knit just the first stitch then drop both; p2*;  repeat from * to * across row

Row 4:   k2, *p2, k2*; repeat from * to * across row

Repeat Rows 1 - 4 until desired length.  End on a Row 3 and bind off in pattern. 

If making this a blanket, cast on for the appropriate size.  For example, for a 36 inch blanket, cast on 150;  for a 48 inch blanket, cast on 202; for a 60 inch blanket cast on 250, etc.  If you are making a square and are concerned about the slight shrink due to the ribbing, you can always cast on an extra 4 stitches to begin with.  That should give you plenty of room for a bit of pulling.

If using other yarn, check your gauge and just remember that this pattern is a multiple of 4 plus 2 and have fun!

And yes, you could make this into a scarf by simply working the 50 stitches for however long you want your scarf to be!

It could even be a washcloth or a dishcloth! 

Delaware Head Huggers  

Kozy Kovers for Kids


  1. I really like this pattern and hope to make a prayer shawl with it and maybe a scarf. Thanks for sharing (I saw it first on FB).

    Karen L.

  2. I don't understand line 3. How do I knit 2 tog and knit the first st and drop? The instructions are confusing to me :(

    1. You knit the two stitches together and before you drop them off the needle, you knit just the first stitch again. Then you drop it. If you just knit the 2 together, you are decreasing your stitches. Doing this keeps the number of stitches the same.

  3. Do you do the knit together twice, or just once?

  4. I would like to make an afghan for an adult about 52 x 60, how much yarn would I need, also how many stitches would I cast? Thank you.

    1. This makes a 12 inch square, so you would have to multiply based on what size you want. I cast on 50 - you need a multiple of 4 plus 2. 60 inches is 12 x 5, so for size 9 needles, cast on 250.

      It would depend on your gauge and what type of yarn you were using, so I can't say how much yarn you would need.

  5. Hi for row 3 after I have knitted two together and then without dropping the stitches knit the one do I put the needle in between the two stitches and drop or do I put the needle behind the two stitches and drop. Please clarify!! Thanks

    1. Knit 2 together without dropping, then put needle between the two stitches you just knit, knit the first stitch again then drop both off needle. It is explained exactly in the pattern how to do it. You are simply maintaining the stitch count.

  6. I`m going to try this one but like the blue one you`re working on, looks almost like popcorn stitch, please let me know when ready. Thanks

  7. how many yds of yarn are need for the 36 inch and 48 inch braided hope blanket

  8. I seem to be as confused as other posters. How do I not end up with a hole if I am dropping the sts?

  9. You always drop stitches when you knit.......they go from one needle to the next. This doesn’t leave holes in your work. Knit 2 together without dropping, then put needle between the two stitches you just knit, knit the first stitch again then drop both off needle. It is explained exactly in the pattern how to do it. You are simply maintaining the stitch count.

  10. Ah ... never called that DROPPING before! Dropping a stitch leaves a hole!!

  11. Dropping an extra stitch leaves a hole. When you have to keep the needles on the LH needle to work them twice, it's called dropping. If you actually try it, you'll see how simple it is.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Love your pattern! Is it possible to make it reversible? Nice work
