Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Introducing Knuffel! Week 2 of the 12 Weeks of Hat Patterns 2023

 It's Week 2 of the 12 Weeks of Hat Patterns!   Knuffel means Hug in Dutch.

Did you knit an Abbraccio from Week 1 yet?  What colors did you use?

Each Wednesday from now until the week before Christmas I'll be posting a brand new pattern, with instructions in all yarn weights.  Feel free to use the patterns to make gifts for friends and family, but also, please try to make some to donate.  Donate locally if you can - every place needs chemo caps.  Or send them to me and I will get them to people who need them.  Together, we really are making a difference. Just be sure to check in every week to see the latest pattern.

Knuffel is such fun to knit and I love the texture that the pattern gives it.  The red version is knit using 5-weight Charisma yarn.  The teal version is knit using 6-weight Hometown USA yarn.  The lighter the yarn, the more defined the zig-zags will be.  Have fun knitting this one in whatever yarn you grab first!

Chemo caps are needed more than ever, so please consider helping us. Those who don't donate hats, yet use my patterns, please consider donating financially to help defray expenses.  Annual expenses run in the thousands and all hats are given and shipped completely free of charge.

On the right side of the blog there is a "Donate Now" button that allows you to donate via PayPal.  All donations are used to help with shipping and supply costs.  Supplies include bags and tags for each individual hat as well as shipping boxes, packing tape, printer ink, paper, etc. 

There is also a link to my Ravelry patterns.  All pattern sales are put right back into shipping and supply costs.  

Pattern books, both e-book and paperback,  can be purchased on Amazon as well.

If you want to help support us in other ways, please join our Facebook page and see all the beautiful hats that are donated.  Visit our Website.  Follow us on Instagram or Twitter.  Share, comment and like posts to spread the word about the need for chemo caps.  Tell your friends about us.  You never know who else may want to get involved.

Remember, just ONE skein of yarn is needed to make a difference in someone's life.  I bet you have a skein of yarn lying in your stash that you could use to help someone through a difficult time.   

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