It's been a long time coming, but I finally got the latest 20 patterns put together into an e-book of PDF files to make it simple and easy for you to have them at your fingertips!
CAPtivating Comfort is selling for $10 and includes TWENTY patterns, two of which have never been published before. The new patterns are also available through Ravelry for $5 each if you only wish to get one. You can purchase the book on Ravelry or through the link to the right on this page. Individual patterns are also available on Ravelry.
All patterns have instructions for all yarn weights, making it a breeze to use what you have in your stash to make a hat! Volution can easily be adapted to just one color too. Walking Upwards is a slip stitch color work hat that uses only one color per row so it's great for beginner and expert color work knitters!
Don't forget to get your DEHH removable sticker too!
Walking Upwards

We also have patterns available as paperbacks or a Kindle e-books from Amazon. They can be purchased here.
Remember to join us on our Facebook page - you can see all the beautiful hats that are donated and shipped out.
You can always reach me at too!